Tuesday, April 28, 2015

All lives matter.

I usually try to keep this space pretty light-hearted, but this topic is weighing me down.
There is so many things wrong with the world today. Police brutality is one of them, but it's not the only one. Now, not only has Baltimore lost a young man, but now has destroyed homes, business and public property, along with an image of a great city.
I am an avid police supporter. That is no secret. To me, if you follow the law, there should be no problem with law enforcement. The men and women in blue do their job. They protect me, my babies and my families and friends from things that could cause harm. I applaud the officer with the car stopped down the street. That car drove far too fast past my children and I think they deserve a ticket because they broke the law. This is not saying that I am not guilty of speeding. Or talking on the phone while driving. I am. And when I get caught, I am responsible for the consequence and will not question the officer. If I am in the wrong, it is the officer's sworn duty to enforce what is right and dole out consequence. I support this effort whole-heartedly.
The riots in Baltimore are a huge step backward in the crusade against bias justice. The people responsible are ruining their own communities and the lives of others. The businesses and homes that are being burglarized and destroyed belong to someone. The owners must now repair or rebuild the lives that they've worked hard to create, all because this is a small groups' plan to draw attention to a cause? I cannot begin to fathom the fear and disappointment that the rational population of Baltimore must feel. What they were once so proud of is becoming a disgrace.
I don't say this to discount the efforts of those trying to bring peace, but without the unreasonable reactions of those destroying the community, those going out of their way to clean the streets or protect their homes would not be in a position to do so.
My prayers go out to Baltimore. And to the police. And to all affected by this nonsense.


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