Monday, January 6, 2014

Day 6: Music

I've never been much of a "oh-my-gosh-music-is-the-heartbeat-of-my-life" kind of girl. I like music, it entertains me, but I certainly don't live and breathe it. That said, I'll include a couple fav's, some guilty pleasures and some essentials in my playlist. We'll start with artists.
Jimmy Buffett
As long as I can remember, every time I hear a parrothead song, my initial thought is, "what I would give to be Jimmy Buffett for a day." It's the truth. Laid back livin', frozen drinks in your hand, and who could forget "SALT, SALT, SALT!"

Garth Brooks
As much as I may not agree with some of his decisions in his personal life, it has not changed my admiration for his music. The man has skills. And singing "Friends in Low Places" brings me back to college every time.

Jack Johnson
Like cool water on a steamy day, JJ can make me "move like a jellyfish, rhythm don't mean nothing, you go with the flow, you don't stop". He's my long-run go-to, especially when I'm on the side of some ugly street and I'm pretending I'm running on a Hawaiian beach. I also love that I don't have to think about watching my language when I'm belting out his jams.

Taylor Swift
(My guilty pleasure)
She's my girl. She speaks to my 17-year-old self. I LOVE that she has maintained an image that makes her a role model. Legit or not, irrelevant to me. I like her and her music and her "I-could-be-your-BFF" personality. And I am completely ok with looking like a fool rocking out to her songs.

Tom Petty
I know, I know. You don't even have to say it. I love him. I sang "American Girl" in front of a packed bar during my bachelorette party. I've worn out 3 copies of his greatest hits CD throughout my lifetime. There is something about his drug-induced slurred stupor that gets me every time. And I LOVE IT.

So those are my go-to favorites. They lace every playlist, soundtrack and road-trip sing-along with their gloriousness. Nowadays, it's usually between disney soundtracks and the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse hotdog song. Either way, they each take me to somewhere special and remind me of wonderful times.

As for songs, I'll list a few that don't belong to the above listed. There are a limited few that also bring a smile on my face, or in the case of one or two, a tear to my eye. 

1. Bobby Magee, Janis Joplin
2. Sweet Caroline, Neil Diamond
3. Tear in My Beer, Hank Williams
4. Shout!, The Isley Brothers
5. Goodbye to You, Michelle Branch
6. Baby Got Back, Sir Mix-A-Lot
7. It's Tricky, Run DMC
8. I Ain't Got Nobody, Rod Stewart
9. Don't Want to Miss a Thing, Aerosmith
10. RESPECT, Aretha Franklin

There are many, many more. But I (and you) don't have time for all that. 

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