Thursday, January 2, 2014

Day 2: Relationships

A variety of relationships have taught me one thing: Every interaction is dynamic. No friendship, professional connection, family tie or romantic relationship is alike, or moreover, predictable. There have been a number of people that walked in and out of my life, that I would've never anticipated would be there to begin with. Some people just fade away, some leave a bruise or cut before they go. I've had to sever some ties, and the same has been done to me. Despite how the realization of losing a relationship may feel, in retrospect, it all happened for a reason. 
That said, my current relationship status is happily married. George and I have been married for 4 years now, and through our struggles have succeeded and been very blessed. We are the parents of one (soon to be 2 in June 2014!). We fight, we yell, we silence, we love. We make up and live happily ever after. Regardless of the dispute, we both know in the end where our hearts are and where they'll continue to be. We've made it too far and through too many monumental challenges to give in now. He's my best friend, and at times, my worst enemy. But through it all, he's mine, and I'm his. 
After that, we have friendships. I have one life-long friend, and a few others I've gained along the way. I cherish friendships, and also appreciate that they change. When we move, our relationships change. When we get married, have children, change careers, change lifestyles, our friendships adjust. Some last through the changes, and some don't. I seen both, and can still say that I love those who have drifted away because I understand. I understand that since now I live in a different state and have a different lifestyle, that our common ground isn't so common. I understand that now that I have children and have to be home for nap times and bath times that we may not share similar interests. I have no hard feelings for those changes, I get it. But like I said, all relationships are dynamic and subject to change at any time. 
All of that said, I am very thankful for the relationships I've had throughout my life. I've been able to learn something from each one. Unwaivering loyalty from a true, life-long friend who has stood by me through all of my changes and indiscretions. Genuine forgiveness from a friend I once betrayed. True generosity from dear friends who showered us with gifts for Addie. Self-sacrifice from the friends I've gone to at wee-hours of the morning to talk. So many lessons have come from the trials and triumphs of relationships, that it would be ignorant to regret those experiences, no matter how difficult they may have been.  

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