Tuesday, January 21, 2014

And during a moment of doubt...

It's not new news that the past month has been a struggle in our household. Surprise bills, surprise vacating tenants and anticipation of medical retirement has thrown our family budget for a loop. The past few days, the weight of financial stress was beginning to rear its' ugly head. George and I were at odds, and my frustrations with our financial strains began to show through my layers of make-up and forced smile.
Today, in the middle of a snowstorm, after our sweet little mail lady delivered our usual stack of bills and advertisements, our miracle arrived. The last piece of mail I opened, as sure as I was that it was another credit advertisement, was certainly not. A completely unexpected check from a completely unexpected source was in my hands for exactly half of our mortgage payment on our now-vacant home. The one bill that I was most stressed about was now half-way paid, and I feel much more comfortable making up the other half out of savings than I did paying the whole thing.
In the middle of a storm, in the middle of my doubt, in the middle of my wavering faith, and in the middle of my worry, my miracle arrived. I could not be more amazed at the mysterious ways that whatever-it-is-that-is-bigger-than-me proves that they do indeed exist, and do answer prayers.
I feel so blessed that today way my day. That big guy picked me today to reward with love. That check isn't just a bit of financial security, but it secured my belief and trust in faith. I know, some may be disappointed that I even needed that reassurance, but I did. I admit that I question a lot. Probably more than I should. But today, my questions were answered with an envelope and bank note. It's all going to work out because I have something bigger than me on my side.

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